Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I need a tutorial...

Ok...so I am once again long over due on my update from Newport.
The photos I just uploaded in previous post represent two ends of my journey - Hollywoodland to Newport....

I just want to report right now that my photo uploading skills require some assistance - as you might have been able to tell from the title of this post. I need to figure out how to make an album and post it....help!

.....So, I stayed with friends Stef and Mike in Hollywoodland (hence the sign photo - which was taken with my favorite app toy camera) they have the sweetest bungalow. PAUSE for a little Hollywood trivia - cause what good filmmaking blog doesn't have trivia - America Ferrera lived in their bungalow before they moved in. Anyway I would make the trek down to Newport Beach for the festival. On the day of the screening Stef came with me which was great to have her there.

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